Meet the Craftsman: Gerald Sparks

Gerald Sparks grew up locally in Abbeville county and actually attended Abbeville High School with Dennis and Robert Stoll whose father founded the Stoll company in 1969. Gerald works at Stoll Industries in the finishing department, specializing in overlays and burnishing. His favorite products are the ones with decorative banding and rivets, even though they are the hardest to finish.

Before working at Stoll Industries, Gerald was a locomotive engineer. It was a job he enjoyed, but it was a job that often kept him away from home. He explained that Stoll leadership makes it easy for employees to keep family and Christ as a priority over a job.

When asked what attracted him to work at Stoll Industries, Gerald answered very simply, “I like to work with my hands. There are lots of opportunities to do that here.” Gerald has had his hands in a little bit of everything at Stoll, working in various departments such as framing, inspection and even welding since he started in 1988.

Gerald also expressed his appreciation for the high standards of quality that Stoll maintains for its products.


“I really admire how Stoll stands behind their products; they always have. If something is wrong, they fix it. Making something with your hands gives value to a product that no machine can.”


DECORATIVE BANDING & RIVETS:  Gerald's favorite accents
DECORATIVE BANDING & RIVETS: Gerald's favorite accents